Women continue to love and die, but in general they always do it very carefully, not to become a reality Dutch act. Usually this is just a gesture of sympathy or terror for their lovers. -- Maugham
Loyal love is full of my heart, I can not estimate the wealth of their own. -- Shakespeare
What is love? Love is a treasure of nature, is a treasure trove of joy, is the greatest pleasure, is never boring people blessing. -- Chatterton
Love will not only occupy Tankuo open heart, but also into a heart strong defense preparations. -- Bacon
True love is not equal to his sweet words, vehemently gluey hugging and kissing exchange solemn vows and pledges. Love is a kind of noble, beautiful, pure feelings, should be faithful and sincere to replace false fraud, to mutual respect for each other to replace the selfish, with moral civilization to replace the reckless action. -- Huang Shaoping
Love only when it is free, will ye fan. Love is an obligation that can only buy the idea of love. Just one sentence: you should love someone, it is enough to make you hated this man. -- Russell
Courage is like love, need hope to nourish. -- Napoleon
The seed of love is the end of wisdom. -- Buhot
Love is the soul of the two men who are combined to fly to the angels of God, the angel will bring the world to god. - significant gram
The joy and the pain in love is the turn of the. -- Jo Byron
Love is like the leaf, the neglected green in, appeared in the bud in patience. -- He Qifang
Love is a rational indulgence, is a great spiritual enjoyment, positive, serious enjoyment; the flesh is selling obscene vulgar streets and lanes, enjoy: there are two sides of the same facts. -- Balzac
Love, hope, fear and faith constitute the human nature, they are the signs and characteristics of human nature. -- Lo Browning
With friends, life shows its full value; a person lives to be friends; to keep the integrity of their lives, not by time erosion, but also to friends. Friendship is like love to warm the heart, love is like friendship was too strong to break. -- Moore John
Love pulled me to the side, but my mind was pulling me to the other side. -- Ovid
The so-called love to meet all, just for lovers: as for the couple, in addition to the sky as the roof and green carpet, also need something more. -- Balzac
Love exists in the desire to contribute, and the lover's happiness as their own happiness. -- Swedenb
Love is the heart of the tyrant; it makes rational judgment is not clear; it is unknown, do not listen to advice, direction and ran straight. - Ford
The king, can be said to be the mainspring a giant clock time, which mercilessly rules of the schedule. From the life to the death of every move, from the early morning to go to bed, and even love to play an instant moment, not his own. -- Zweig
I need three things: love, friendship and books. However, the three are interlinked! Hot love can enrich the contents of the book, the book is one of the most faithful friends. -- Montaigne
Love gave everything, but still rich. -- Faye Bailey
The first love is charming, but it is priceless to stand the test of love. Maldives - linski
What is love? A body of two hearts; what is friendship? Two body a heart. -- Joseph Lou
The meaning of love is to help each other improve, but also to improve their own. - Chernyshevsky
The unfortunate love, often like a reliable debtor of a non paid by the ticket, will add your personal money. -- Balzac
Can stimulate people's feelings of love, purification of the soul. -- John Deleki
The woman is with the ear to be in love, but the man if can produce the love, but is in love with the eye. -- Shakespeare
The joy of love is sweet, but it is only in the place of honor and virtue. -- Gul Neil
Happiness and happiness in life are not in the money, not in love, and in the truth. Even if you want to get a kind of animal happiness, life will not let you anyway while drinking, side of happiness, it will always give you cubujifang blow. -- Chekhov
Love to stay in the top of the mountain, above the valley in reason. Love is the sublimation of life life is extremely rare, it. - Jack London
The bitterness and happiness in love are always in a fight. - Xu Joinet Si
In the world is the first love, only to express the language of love, in love, just to the world of youth, it learned a set of methods, the future can never forget. -- Jack London
Custom is the natural enemy of love. -- Bulwer Lytton
True love can inspire people, wake up his inner strength and hidden talent. -- Bogachu
To learn to love, to learn to love, to be a happy person - this is to learn to respect themselves, that is to learn the virtues of humanity. -- Ma Caren Co
Ah, when a man has sexual desire, love is very strong; and the woman's love is a lasting, and constantly growing, even if it is waiting for the time. -- Law Hausmann
Huayin love is not the sweet words, not in the the Peach Garden Valley, not the tears of light cotton, but not forced to die hard, love is built on the basis of a common language. -- Shakespeare
The lady's eyes are the star of love. -- Tennyson
Not what rope twisted than love into a double strand by pulling the pull. -- Lo Burton
Synonymous with love is friendship, and we are a reliable guarantee for striving for a common cause, love is the life companion, your beloved woman and sleep together for the common ideal of the two hearts tightly together. -- Faraday
If a girl wants to marry a rich man, it is not love, property is the most important thing, only stand the pain of parting is the real love. -- Lev Tolstoy
The sweetest is the love, the most bitter is the love. -- Faye Bailey
Freedom of mankind, like the air of light to the eyes in the heart of love in the heart. - Ingersoll
You are enslaved people of the land, you are the love angel, you are a fantastic fairy, you are honest child, you're an experienced man, you are a rich man on the mind, you are kind-hearted woman, you are hopeful giant, you are the mother suffered untold hardships, you the poet is full of fantasy. -- Balzac
Thanks, it's a debt; anyone can put some of their debt, but love - not money. -- Turgenev
Love is not the law. - sage Rom
Love, only love, can make people dare to love the people who gave their lives; this is not only a man can do, but also a woman can do. -- Platon
When poverty comes in from the door, love slips away from the window. - Fuller
Love is a sweet pain, love is never a true love. -- Shakespeare
Love it if it is mingled with regards itself, it is not true love. -- Shakespeare
In the face of the sun, the flowers are beautiful, with the ideal of love, sweet love. -- Mo Guiying
The most beautiful, but also the most painful is love! The most noble and the lowest is marriage and family. - Strindberg
This girl's age, is a person with a happy and proud dream to numb my age, she always think of love, the kind of strong interest and curiosity, not because of her ignorance, simply can not be said to be innocent. -- Roman Roland
Tasted the taste of love, I hope never love. The original love is but a colorful rainbow, beautiful is suitable in the distance, only to watch, and short, and it is gone. You look for it, and it will never again. -- Dora
Love is just a crazy. -- Shakespeare
For love, what is the year? Is a minute, but also a century. It is minutes because in the sweetness of love, it is like a lightning fleeting; say it is the century, because it is in our body building life after life happiness. -- Hugo
Love needs a reasonable content, just as the fire to the oil to maintain the same; love is the two similar nature in the infinite sense of harmony. -.
Because of love into the hearts of the people, is beaten away. Since it is in your body, it will occupy all of you. Since you have fallen in love, things have to be so, the only way is to think of the most expensive way to do it. -- Stevenson
Among the noble elements of love as gentle ingredients, the upward force is not less than the power of people dispirited, and sometimes also stimulate other virtues. -- Voltaire
Nothing can be forgotten in the world in the long abandoned, abandoned houses will be destroyed, abandoned when the cloth will rot, friendship was abandoned when weak, happy to be disposed of will dissipate, love will dissolve abandoned. -- Maurois
Any time for love to pay all of the waste. - Tasso
If there is no love in this world, what will it be in our hearts! If it does not light the Lantern light. -- Gerd
Those moments in the chair behind the love, will not like the flowers on the cement, out of no wind, lonely forest. -- Guo Jingming
65、如果一个人没有能力帮助他所爱的人,最好不要随便谈什么爱与不爱。当然,帮助不等于爱情,但爱情不能不包括帮助。 ———— 鲁迅
If a person has no ability to help his love of people, it is best not to talk about what love and do not love. Of course, help is not equal to love, but love can not help. -- Lu Xun
66、爱情是女人一生的历史,而只是男人一生中的一段插曲。 ———— 史达尔
Love is the history of a woman's life, but only one of the episodes in a man's life. -- Shi Daer
67、每个人的精神上都有几根感情的支柱对父母的、对信仰的、对理想的、对知友和爱情的感情支柱。无论哪一根断了,都要心痛的。 ———— 柳青
Each pillar of human spirit has few feelings of parents, faith, ideal, for friends and love pillar. No matter which one is broken, it will be heartache. -- Liu Qing
68、爱情要懂得珍惜,随着岁月加倍的珍惜。爱情不是在明月之下闲散,也不是在长板凳上叹息。 ———— 施企巴乔夫
Love to know how to cherish, with the years more treasure. Love is not under the moon idle, nor sigh on the bench. Shi Ba Geoff - Enterprises
69、爱情使是非概念混淆不清;强烈的爱情和骄傲的野心都是没有疆界的。 ———— 约•德莱顿
Love is the concept of non confusion; strong love and pride ambitions are no boundaries. -- John Dryden
70、爱情不是索取,而是给予。 ———— 范戴克
Love is not demanding, but giving. -- Van Dijk
71、惧怕爱情就是惧怕生活,而惧怕生活的人就等于半具僵尸。 ———— 伯•罗素
Fear of love is the fear of life, and the fear of life is equal to half a zombie. -- Bo Russo
72、真挚而纯洁的爱情,一定渗有对心爱的人的劳动和职业的尊重。 ———— 邓颖超
Sincere and pure love, there must be a love of the people of labor and professional respect. -- Deng Yingchao
73、爱比杀人重罪更难隐藏;爱情的黑夜有中午的阳光。 ———— 莎士比亚
Love is more difficult to hide than a murder, love of the night there is noon sun. -- Shakespeare
74、爱情包括的灵和肉两个方面应该是同等重要,要不爱情就有完备,因为我们不是神,也不是野兽。 ———— 冈察洛夫
Love consists of two aspects: the spirit and the flesh, which should be equally important, or that love will be perfect, for we are not gods, nor are beasts. -- Goncharov
75、爱情不会因为理智而变得淡漠,也不会因为雄心壮志而丧失殆尽。它是第二生命;它渗入灵魂,温暖着每一条血管,跳动在每一次脉搏之中。 ———— 爱迪生
Love will not be indifferent to reason, nor will it be lost because of ambition. It is the second life; it penetrates the soul, warms every blood vessel and beats in every pulse. -- Edison
76、如果我们以为只有野心和爱情这类强烈的激情才能抑制其他情感,那就错了。懒惰尽管柔弱似水,却常常把我们征服:它渗透进生活中一切目标和行为,蚕食和毁灭着激情和美德。 ———— 拉罗什富科
If we think that only the strong passion of ambition and love can inhibit other emotions, it is wrong. Lazy although weak water, often overwhelm us: it permeates into all life goals and behaviors, and the destruction of eroded passion and virtue. -- Laroche Fraser C
77、爱情只能用爱情来偿还。 ———— 爱•芬顿
Love can only be repaid with love. -- Ai Fenton
78、如果人表面效果来判断,爱情与其说像友谊不如说像仇恨。 ———— 拉罗什富科
If the person is to judge the effect of the surface, love is not so much like friendship as hatred. -- Laroche Fraser C
79、一旦爱情得到了满足,他人魅力也就荡然无存了。 ———— 高乃依
When love is satisfied, others will charm you all gone. -- Gao Naiyi
80、不要指着月亮起誓,它是变化无常的,每个月都盈亏圆缺;你要是指着它起誓,也许你的爱情也像它一样的无常。 ———— 莎士比亚
Swear not by the moon, it is constantly changing, every month, wax and wane; if you swear with it, maybe your love like it is. -- Shakespeare
spit. -- Dora