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 楼主| 发表于 2023-10-26 21:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
类目: 经典句子


Happiness is the soul of the drunk.2、爱情无需言作媒,全在心领神会。

Love without words for the media,all at the hint.3、喜欢一个人是没有理由的,无悔的付出。

Like a person is no reason,no regrets to pay.4、此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。

Remembrance into,but was already frustrated.5、爱那一场场繁华落尽后的曲终人散。

Love the busy fall after the end of.6、审慎会使人安全,但往往不会幸福。

Prudence makes man safe,but often not happy.7、对于平凡人来说,平凡就是幸福。

For ordinary people,ordinary is happiness.8、上一秒钟还在缠绵,下一秒钟变陌生人。

The second is still lingering,the next second become strangers.9、幸福那么缺货,请别肆意挥霍。

Happiness is so out of stock,please don't squander it.10、应该多行善事,为了做一个幸福的人。

We should do more good deeds in order to be a happy man.11、希望呀,你是业已许诺的幸福的开端。

Hope,you are the promised beginning of happiness.12、最有幸福的,只是勤劳的劳动之后。

The happiest thing is after hard work.13、造福于人,无疑是千真万确的幸福。

Undoubtedly,it is true happiness for the benefit of people.14、爱情不是强扭的,幸福不是天赐的。

Love is not a strong twist,happiness is not a godsend.15、我只想要一点俗气的幸福。

I just want a little cheesy happiness.16、做好事的乐趣乃是人生惟一可靠的幸福。

The pleasure of doing good is the only reliable happiness in life.17、要节约用水,尽量跟女友一起洗澡。

Save water.Shower with your girlfriend as much as possible.18、狂热的爱情总是绝不会持久的。

Crazy love never lasts long.19、不就范于不幸就是极大的幸福。

It is great happiness not to submit to misfortune.20、彼此相爱就是幸福。如此简单,如此难。

Love each other is happiness.It's so simple,so difficult.21、恋爱不是慈善事业,所以不能慷慨施舍。

Love is not charity,so you can't give alms generously.22、幸福的首要条件在于健康。

The first condition of happiness lies in health.23、爱情中的欢乐和痛苦是交替出现的。

The joy and the pain in love alternated.24、只期盼少许,才能接近最高的幸福。

Only a little hope can reach the highest happiness.25、走辛福的路,让忧伤无路可走。

Take the road of Xin Fu,let sorrow have no way to go.26、我们手里的金钱是保持自由的一种工具。

Money in our hands is a tool for freedom.27、幸福是一种比较,一种知足。

Happiness is a kind of comparison,a kind of contentment.28、追求幸福,免不了要触摸痛苦。

In pursuit of happiness,there is no need to touch the pain.29、生活中,唯一的幸福就是不断前进。

In life,the only happiness is to keep moving forward.30、独有一枝红,秋晚花才放。

Unique red,late autumn flowers.31、爱是远远的城市里有所依托的幸福。

Love is the happiness that depends on the city.32、幸福属于满足的人们。

Happiness belongs to the contented people.33、醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。

Happy is the man who is addicted to some hobby.34、爱情不是索取,而是给予。

Love is not taking,but giving.35、才智无疑是幸福的首要条件。

Intelligence is undoubtedly the first condition of happiness.36、做一个善良的人,为群众谋幸福。

Be a good man and seek happiness for the masses.37、幸福就是两个人待在一起很舒服。

Happiness is two people staying together is very comfortable.38、相爱是人的一种巨大的幸福。

Love is a great happiness for human beings.39、人生,幸福不是目的,品德才是准绳。

Happiness is not the end of life,but morality is the criterion.40、亲善产生幸福,文明带来和谐。

Goodwill creates happiness,civilization brings harmony.41、我们爱幸福,幸福爱我们。

We love happiness,happiness loves us.42、爱情的欢乐中掺杂着泪水。

Tears of love mingled with joy.43、从梦幻中清醒过来是多大的幸福呀!

How happy it is to wake up from a dream!


Freedom is one of the greatest happiness God has bestowed upon mankind.45、人类幸福的两大敌人是痛苦和无聊。

The two enemies of human happiness are pain and boredom.46、我是幸福的,因为我爱,因为我有爱。

I am happy,because I love,because I have love.47、为美而献身比为面包而活着要幸福得多。

To devote oneself to beauty is much happier than to live for bread.48、快乐应该是美德的伴侣。

Happiness should be a companion of virtue.49、不承认自己幸福的人,不可能幸福。

He who can not admit his happiness cannot be happy.50、女人的一生就是一部爱情的历史。

A woman's life is a history of love.51、走在一起是缘分,一起在走是幸福。

Walking together is fate,walking together is happiness.52、快乐可依靠幻想,幸福却要依靠实际。

Happiness depends on fantasy,but happiness depends on reality.53、幸福是别无他求,只要所拥有的一切。

Happiness is all I have,as long as.54、今日的良心是幸福的要求。

Conscience today is the requirement of happiness.55、学会学习的人,是非常幸福的人。

The person who learns to learn is a very happy man.56、青春作证,理想作证,我付出,我无悔!

Youth testify,ideal testify,I pay,I have no regrets!


Bad memory is a great weapon to become happy.58、幸福不是一时的事,而是一世的事。

Happiness is not a matter of the moment,but a matter of life.59、无聊是幸福的人的不幸。

Boredom is the tragedy of a happy man.60、曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。

It's better to have met than never to meet.61、劳动是幸福之父。

Labor is the father of happiness.62、乌云过后阳光更欢,不和之后爱情愈甜。

After the dark clouds,the sunshine is more pleasant,the love is sweeter after the discord.63、就是神,在爱情中也难保持聪明。

It is God,who is difficult to remain wise in love.64、生活可以不知足,但幸福一定要知足。

Life can be insatiable,but happiness must be contented.65、可是这样会很辛苦,不容易幸福。

But it will be very hard,not easy to happiness.66、幸福,就在于创造新的生活。

Happiness lies in the creation of new life.67、凡是事皆有价格,欢愉的价格即是痛楚。

Everything has price,and the price of happiness is pain.68、如果你知道去哪,全世界都會為你讓路。

If you know where to go,the world will make way for you.69、人民的幸福是至高无上的法。

The happiness of the people is the Supreme law.70、有生活的时候就有幸福。

There is happiness when there is life.71、背离自然也即背离幸福。

Deviation from nature is happiness.72、幸福是无拘无束没有任何负担的心理。

Happiness is unrestrained,without any burden of psychology.73、月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。

On the willow,after dark.74、幸福不可能十全十美。

Happiness can't be perfect.75、幸福和快乐是两码事。

Happiness and joy.76、黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐。

Old and young,and contented and happy.77、此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。

This situation can not be eliminated,just frown,but in mind.78、只有爱给你解开不死之谜。

Only love will unlock the mystery of immortality.79、予将专业致志以注意授予护理者之幸福。

Give professional attention to the happiness of caregivers.80、有一个能够思念的人也是一种幸福。

A person who can miss is also a kind of happiness.

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